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Thursday, March 26, 2009

I don't understand how this happened...

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By Honeygrip

To such a nice guy... hahahahahaha!

A friend asked me why I hadn't posted on this earlier, it seemed to totally skip my radar.
Everybody's favorite asshole, Damon Dash isn't having such a great time right now.
Let's see, where shall I begin? hmmm?

It dates back to at least 2005, but I don't want to kick a man while he's down.

Within the last 2 years, Dame has had to liquidate all his holdings, had a couple of his homes in NY & LA foreclosed, owed the state of New York, more than 2 million in back taxes, some cars seized, some lawyers chasing him for payment for their services his bitter child custody battle over his oldest child Boogie, and had nasty little rumors about his fidelity to his wife and his best friends spread about him. Now comes word that his wife Rachel Roy has filed for divorce.

How could it all go so terribly wrong for you, Dame? :(

Poor Rachel, just gave up on a nigga. In his own defense he had this to say:
"My mistake was watching everyone else's careers and not watching mine."

Really? Damn a clue.

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