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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kanye wants you to stay focused...

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By Honeygrip

Can't front. I saw this picture making the rounds last week and I bypassed it. I don't know, why. Maybe because it's because I thought to myself painfully: this nigga here... For my WP's that can't use that word let me translate: Sigh! I can't take him. But that's not a complete negative.

Any hoo- Kanye made me realize that there are more important things going on in the world. And once again, let's not front, his nonsense can be entertaining.

For instance he was talking to Sway over at MTV & this is what he said about this ridiculous(ly)imfamous picture.

I'm gonna tell you something about the Paris pic. They was like, some of the people dressed in the outfits, I didn't check out everybody's outfit that hopped in the picture with me — I can't be completely responsible. You go right into my outfit, my outfit is good.

Kuntye also talked about his new blog all about Rainbow things.
(the above line is for your own joke)

I'm doing a blog right now where I've been collecting all of the freshest stuff that's rainbows — Denver Nuggets jerseys, BAPE shoes, Nikes with rainbows on 'em — and saying, "Man I think as straight men we need to take the rainbow back because it's fresh." It looks fresh. I just think that because stereotypically gay people got such good like style that they were smart enough to take a fresh-ass logo like the rainbow and say that it's gonna be theirs. But I was like "Man I think we need to have the rainbow" — the idea of colors , life and colors and stuff, I mean how is that a gay thing? Colors? Having a lot of colors is gay?

I cannot wait to follow this blog. You will see me skipping along right behind it.


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