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Friday, February 6, 2009

Old vs. New...

I can understand Old ass Etta James position on this issue, but she lacks some validity because while she may have spent the last 50 years singing this song for her supper. Technically, it's not HER song. It's not her song because she didn't write it. And let's be real! Had some newer artist have gotten up there and sang 'Crazy in Love' -Beyonce (Well Mathew Knowles to be exact) would have had a creole curse put on them faster than they could do the uh-oh dance. So I feel like we should all understand where Etta James is coming from. Word is Beyonce was a crying wreck upon hearing about Etta's beef with her. But her old ass should STFD somewhere and leave Bey alone.

(*BLANKFACE*I can't believe I am siding with Bey on this one. SMH)

But it just seems some of the old asses in entertainment are having a difficult time passing the torch to the whipper snappers. Another case in point. Faye Dunaway who starred in the original Bonnie & Clyde made some remarks about the producers choice of Hilary as the new Bonnie in the soon to be made remake. And Duff, well she ain't crying in a fucking corner about it-

Here's Hilary's Response:

LOL! Duff has got some balls no?

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