Shop Bitch!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


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By Honeygrip
Sorry for the slow to no posts lately, I have had my head stuck up my own ass for more than a week! I have been dealing with identity theft and still I try to get the posts in under master's nose but for some strange reason for the last week or so- I have actually been working while at work! Go Figure!!!

These fools don't seem to understand how hard it is to do personal shit; when they are bothering you with simple ass "WORK-RELATED" issues...SIGH!

Anyhoo- I knew I must have been out of the loop this morning when I saw this picture of Lil Kim... I ran through the gammet of emotions: happiness, pride, gluttony, greed and even envy. Don't ask me why?

Is is me or does she look...dare I say...decent.

[C'mon now- you know not to expect a "good" from me...]

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