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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gotta love them....

While I was at work today. My co-worker Caroline and I got into a lovely conversation about annoying co-workers. This pleasantly reminded me of an old co-worker from my previous place of employment. Let's affectionately call him-Tragically hip white guy. So tragic in fact that his hipness borders on racist.

Oh come on! You all know at least one White person who is WHITE not whigger and still tries to prove how liberal and tolerant and cool with black people he is. The one who comes to you for the "Black opinion" on things. He who asks you about the latest rap-related controversy [because you CLEARLY have the insight!] Or goes hard in conversations about why Obama is a viable candidate. Or the one who loves to impress you with his interpretation of the black experience. And it's always okay because some of his "best friends are black".

Well I had one in particular- whom whenever I walked in a room would proclaim "Yo, yo, yo" now mind you I work in the very corporate world of Investment Banking and in my liberal and tolerant mind I would always try and take his BLACCENT has a corny white person's attempt at humor. Even when it would make me wince- I thought I would be considered uptight if I didn't laugh. Well anyway, Caroline introduced me to this site, and so I pass it to you...

Gotta love White People.

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