Shop Bitch!

Monday, March 3, 2008

My WORST Nightmare.

What do Dane Cook, Tony Romo and John Mayer have in common...
They were among this year's batch honored by Cosmo Magazine with Cosmo's Fun, Fearless Male Award.
Apparently, being fun and fearless and male also has something to do with fucking Jessica Simpson-LOL!
All three of these dudes have hit it in the last 2 years since she divorced that dry ass Nick Lachey. (Who, BTW- was honored last year!)
Don't you hate it when you walk in a room and you realize that you have slept with multiple men on the premises and worst of all, they ALL know each other or at least seem fairly civil to one another as if they are all in on the same joke... * it just me...........!*
I swear if you look closely you can see that they all have the 'Bros before Hoes' smirk smeared on their faces- ugh, Poor Jess.

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