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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Where for art thou Romeo in thigh highs and a trench raincoat???

I just got in and this clip was in my inbox. (THANK YOU MATEO!!!!! MUAH!!)
What the fuck do I do? I scream! Like a wild banche. The most sexiest man to walk the face of this earth. In the hottest get up since assless chaps. Through out all of my excitement I could only think to myself.
Self: "Where is my Romeo in thigh highs and a trench raincoat? "
Do you know the kind of swagger it takes for a man to wear an outfit like this. In 1980, no less? Not hetero or homo, just sexual. Natural , pure, raw sexuality.
Can you pretend to comprehend? Huh??
Listen- I understand that these are big shoes to fill, but God damn. Can a nigga try and come close? Who among you can say that when it comes to being sexy, (not sex, but being sexy) you are 1 percent of this kat right here. Where are all the undeniably sexy ass muthafuckas that leave you hot, bothered and panting for more? Just down right raunchy and nasty getting ALL up in that shit mentally until--------- whoo! excuse me I need to take a shower! But in the meantime, I suggest you niggas get a pen and take notes. This is how it should be done!
What I wouldn't give to come home to a romeo in thigh highs and a trench rain coat.
I really get a dirty mind-whenever you're around.
It happens to me everytime...

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