Shop Bitch!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I knew it! I knew it! I KNEW IT!!!

Niggas don't die! They Multiply!!!

LOL! I found this picture on the web and I don't know what to say except, believe none of what you read and NOTHING you see on the internet! haha!!

I won't question the authenticity of this photo. [But, Photoshop IS a muthafucka!] I'm sure there are other cynical, conspiracy theorists out there who will once again proclaim that PAC' ain't dead.

Stranger things have happened in this world, so anything IS possible...

But what I will say is that if Tupac where really alive, would he really be caught dead with 50 Cent??

*just asking*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Pac is still alive, then so is Omar Devon Little, dammit! LOL!