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Sunday, January 25, 2009


I don't want to sound like some crazy soothsayer, But isn't Joaquin Phoenix on some serious shit?! First he denounces his acting career and announces his retirement and then word comes along that he wants to be a "Rapper"?? And produced by Diddy no less...The best kind!

Why is it that none of the Amy Winehouse OD watchers are looking at Joaquin Phoenix. Remember that his brother river phoenix died. Of a drug overdose. Don't that kind of ring as a sign.I mean if there is a pool or something can I put this dude down for 20?? If the AWOD are not watching Joaquin, at least out of the corner of their eye...Then, ya'll need to...he too, is killing his career, getting on stage somewhere with this garbage. I mean unless this is a part of some big publicity stunt. And if that was the case; then don't the real hip hop in you kind of get alittle angry??

I mean-I'm just saying.

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