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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Deadbeat Dame...

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By Honeygrip
Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho... It's back to court they go.
Seems Damon Dash's baby mama is dragging him back to court. Linda Williams, the mother of his 16 year old and oldest child Boogie (Damon Dash, Jr.) is claiming that her child was living with no hot water or electricity [now how they do that?] in his bedroom for 2 months. She also claims he took Jr. with him to handle the grim task of identifying a relative’s dead corpse and hasn’t been contributing any of the 10 million, as he promised to Jr.’s trust fund.
I have my own views of Dame, which I will refrain from sharing, but I do know that their first case got ugly and it seems it's about to get ugly again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess the Dome Gnome will be back in court..... whatever!