Shop Bitch!

Friday, April 11, 2008

The family that gangs together....

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By Honeygrip
Stays together!!!!
From Bossip:“On Saturday, Joseph Manzanares [thank gawd it's not one of US!] stormed into the Hollywood Video store where his girlfriend worked, threatened to kill her and knocked over several video displays and even a computer, Commerce City police Sgt. Joe Sandoval said. After he ran out of the store, police were called and the 19-year-old was arrested at his home.
His girlfriend told police that they had been arguing about the upbringing of their son and which gang he should belong to. The teen mother, who is black [D'OH!], is a member of the Crips. Manzanares is Hispanic and belongs to the Westside Ballers gang, [a source] said.
‘They have different ideas on how the baby should be raised. Basically, [the mother] said they cannot agree on which gang the baby would ‘claim,’”

This is why I stay having seizures and convulsions from all my G-d damn head shaking!
I need to go lay down...

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