Shop Bitch!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Ahh, the blessed miracle of pregnancy....

Man fuck dat bullshit. Pregnancy is HARD because it's BORING!!!! It feels like I'm doing a bid. My body is not my own. I can't think about nothing else and it's all anyone wants to talk to me about. I burp and fart every 3 minutes. I can't remember shit. I can't sleep on my stomach. I have to pee every 10 minutes!!! I'm horny as hell but I can't stand my dealer cause I just realized what an absolute idiot he is. *sniffles* I finally have titties and I can't enjoy them cause they hurt when you touch them. I can't fit my clothes, my feet swell. Then I see the bus when I leave work and I can't run to catch it cause my damn legs can't move fast anymore. *tears*And my doctor has put me on a no soda diet. [And you know how us "black people" LOVE our soda!] Talking about gain a pound a week. Dr. Nigga Please! I feel like a chicken sitting on an egg. And I'm not due until the first week in September which means that I have sacrificed my WHOLE Summer and WORST of all- I will be 9 months pregnant in the stifling, August in NYC heat!!!! Oh-And I DON'T KNOW THE SEX YET- SO PLEASE STOP ASKING ME AND TELLING ME WHAT YOU HOPE I HAVE CAUSE: 1) NOBODY ASKED YOU! 2) WHAT YOU GONNA DO WHEN I HAVE THE OPPOSITE????!!!
I have mood swings galore and no patience for stupid people-wait a minute, I never had patience for them. I'm tired all the time and and I'm losing my ever loving mind!!! ARGH!!
I just needed to vent. Thank you.
signed- 21 more weeks to go...

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